François Couperin

Soprano I, Soprano II

Victoria, victoria!
Christo resurgenti, Christo triumphanti
applaudant sydera. Alleluia.

Haec est dies quam fecit Dominus,
dies solemnitatis, dies faelicitatis,
dies laetitiae, dies victoriae,
in qua surrexit victa morte
Rex immortalis gloriae. Alleluia.

Sic Jesus pastor bonus
morte mortem voluit domare,
morte hostem voluit fugare. Alleluia.

O Jesu, Jesu, salus, lux et vita,
praesta ut nos resurgamus
ut tecum semper vivamus
in aeterna saecula.  Alleluia.

Victoria, victoria!
Christ arisen, Christ triumphant
is celebrated by the stars. Alleluia!

This is the day which the Lord has made;
solemn day, happy day,
joyful day, victorious day,
in which death's conqueror arose,
the King of immortal glory. Alleluia!

Thus Jesus, the Good Shepherd,
dead, did tame death;
dead, drove away the enemy. Alleluia!

O Jesus, Jesus, salvation, light and life,
you are ready now to raise us up
to live with you always
in eternity. Alleluia!

©Pamela Dellal

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