Support Us


Emmanuel Music is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that only exists because of the generous support of individuals, businesses, and foundations.

Our annual expenses are funded 82% by individual philanthropy: philanthropy which enables us to create 60+ performances per season, all of which are livestreamed and many of which are free, along with our Bach Institute Intensive and dozens of educational and engagement programs.

You are the reason Emmanuel Music is able to engage with musicians and audiences to explore the enduring questions of our shared human experience, and build on our core commitment to the music of J.S. Bach.

Please read below for more information on how to support Emmanuel Music.

To learn about specific opportunities, including underwriting and bequests, contact John Williams, Interim Executive Director, at (617) 536-3356 or

Individual Contributions

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Online Donation

Donate through our online portal

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Venmo us at @emmanuelmusicboston

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Phone Call

Pay via credit card over the phone by calling

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Write a check to Emmanuel Music with any designation in the memo line, mailed to:
Emmanuel Music Attn
John Williams
15 Newbury St.Boston
MA 02116

Some individuals may prefer to direct their gift through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), an investment account for philanthropic giving that offers an immediate tax benefit and the flexibility to support your preferred charities right away or over time.

Individuals may choose to direct their gift to general operating support, or to one of the below funds:

Cantata Series Underwriting
Concert Underwriting
Motet Commissioning Project
Education & Engagement
The Pat Krol Fund
Annual Fund
Strategic Plan/50th Anniversary Campaign

Emmanuel Music thrives on individual philanthropy. Individuals and families may make gifts of any amount in the following ways:

Tiers and Benefits

  • Friends of Emmanuel Music:
    Up to $999
  • Name recognition in the concert program booklet
  • An invitation for two to attend a concert rehearsal
  • Musician’s Circle:
    $1,000 - $4,999
  • Name recognition in the concert program booklet
  • An exclusive invitation for two to attend various concert rehearsals
  • An invitation for two to observe a private masterclass or coaching with Bach Institute participants
  • Soloist’s Circle:
    $5,000 - $9,999
  • Name recognition in the concert program booklet
  • An exclusive invitation for two to attend the dress rehearsals of Major Concerts
  • An invitation for two to observe a private masterclass or coaching with Bach Institute participants
  • Access to VIP donor receptions
  • Concertmaster’s Circle:
    $10,000 - $14,999
  • Name recognition in the concert program booklet
  • An exclusive invitation for two to attend the dress rehearsals of Major Concerts
  • An invitation for two to observe a private masterclass or coaching with Bach Institute participants
  • Access to VIP donor receptions
  • Invitation for two to a cantata rehearsal, followed by a brunch reception with the Artistic Director and select musicians
  • Conductor’s Circle:
    $15,000 - $24,999
  • Name recognition in the concert program booklet
  • An exclusive invitation for two to attend the dress rehearsals of Major Concerts
  • An invitation for two to observe a private masterclass or coaching with Bach Institute participants
  • Access to VIP donor receptions
  • Invitation for two to a cantata rehearsal, followed by a brunch reception with the Artistic Director and select musicians
  • A special invitation for two to dinner with the President of the Board, the Artistic Director, and Executive Director
  • Composer’s Circle:
    $25,000 +
  • Name recognition in the concert program booklet
  • An exclusive invitation for two to attend the dress rehearsals of Major Concerts
  • An invitation for two to observe a private masterclass or coaching with Bach Institute participants
  • Access to VIP donor receptions
  • Invitation for two to a cantata rehearsal, followed by a brunch reception with the Artistic Director and select musicians
  • A special invitation for two to dinner with the President of the Board, the Artistic Director, and Executive Director
  • Name recognition on an Emmanuel Music Donor Plaque
  • Other arrangements to suit your interests

Planned Giving

Ryan Turner conducting an orchestra

Emmanuel Music is happy to help you explore options for designating a bequest. Please see our sample  language below. 

Those considering a planned gift should consult their own legal and tax advisors. The staff at Emmanuel Music is happy to speak with advisors as well. 

Contact Us

Individuals may wish to leave a portion of their estate to Emmanuel Music upon their passing. These individuals may do so by naming Emmanuel Music in a bequest or estate plan gift.

Bequests and estate plan gifts

A bequest is a gift from your estate. You can make a bequest to Emmanuel Music by including language in your will or living trust leaving a portion of your estate to Emmanuel Music, or by designating Emmanuel Music as a beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy.

Remembering Emmanuel Music with a bequest from your estate will help support and strengthen the organization in years to come. The advantages of creating a bequest:

  • A bequest costs nothing now, yet gives you the satisfaction of knowing you have provided for Emmanuel Music in the future
  • You retain control and use of your assets during your lifetime
  • You may modify your bequest if your circumstances change  • Gifts to Emmanuel Music from your estate are exempt from federal estate taxes
  • If you let Emmanuel Music know of your plans, we will be able to thank you now and recognize you  as a member of the Legacy Society.  
Making a bequest

A bequest to Emmanuel Music can be made for a percentage of your estate, for a specific amount, or for all or a portion of what is left after you have made bequests to your family. To make a gift to Emmanuel  Music from your estate, you can make an amendment to your present living trust instrument, add a  codicil to your present will, or sign a new will or living trust instrument. 

Alternatively, you can designate Emmanuel Music as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance  policy. To do so, contact the retirement plan administrator or life insurance company and complete the appropriate beneficiary designation form. You can designate a specific purpose for such a gift with a  separate letter prepared with assistance from Emmanuel Music. 

To assist you in preparing your bequest, we have provided sample bequest language below. 

Planning your bequest

When planning for a bequest, you will need to consider how you would like your gift to be used to  benefit Emmanuel Music—whether unrestricted in purpose or restricted to a specific fund. 

An unrestricted bequest allows Emmanuel Music to determine how to use the funds based on its most  pressing needs. A restricted bequest directs the gift to an existing fund or purpose, such as the Bach Cantata Series or to the Annual Fund. CREATE A LASTING LEGACY AND LET US THANK YOU

If you have included Emmanuel Music in your estate plans or would like to, please let us know. We  would like to thank you for your generosity, make sure the purpose of your gift is understood by  Emmanuel Music, and recognize you as a member of the Legacy Society.  

Bequest Sample Language

I give and bequeath to Emmanuel Music, a Massachusetts corporation not-for-profit, of Boston, Massachusetts, the sum of $________ or ________ percent of my estate (or personal property or securities) to be used by it in fulfillment of its mission as its Board of Directors shall determine.

Residue of Estate

I give and I bequeath to Emmanuel Music, a Massachussetts corporation not-for-profit, of Boston, Massachussetts, the sum of $________ or ______ percent of my estate (or personal property or securities) to be used for and restricted to __________


All (or state a percentage) the rest, residue, and remainder of my property, real and personal, I give, devise and bequeath to Emmanuel Music, a Massachusetts corporation not-for-profit, of Boston, Massachusetts, to be used by it in fulfillment of its mission as its Board of Directors shall determine.

For additional information, please contact:

Makeysha Montgomery, Individual Giving Manager

617.536.3356 ext. 120
15 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116

Emmanuel Music is a qualified 501(c)(3) organization.

Businesses, Foundations, and Grantmakers

For questions related to institutional giving, please contact Makeysha Montgomery, Individual Giving Manager at or (617) 536-3356 ext. 120

Emmanuel Music regularly seeks support from businesses, foundations, and grantmakers to foster mutually beneficial partnerships and to diversify our revenue streams. Businesses interested in becoming a corporate sponsor of Emmanuel Music will receive the following benefits:

Audience Demographic Information

Audiences at Emmanuel Music tend to be liberal and open-minded. Many are based in the Boston area, predominantly the downtown/Back Bay area of the city and, at the moment, the majority are white, educated, and of retirement age. Through our concerted access and inclusion initiatives, we increased our average number of individual audiences by 25% in FY22. 42% of these audiences were new to us in that same year. An organization that is scaling rapidly, we expect to see a continued increase and diversification of our audiences over the next three years.

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