Heinrich Schütz

soprano, alto, tenor I, tenor II, bass

Quemadmodum desiderat cervus ad fontes aquarum,
Ita desiderat ad te anima mea,
Deus clementissime et misericordissime.
Sitivit anima mea ad te Deum
Fontem vivum,Quando veniam et apparebo ante faciem tuam!
O fons vitae,Vena aquarum viventium,
Quando veniam ad aquas dulcedinis tuae,
Quando veniam De terra invia et inaquosa,
Ut videam virtutem et gloriam tuam
Et satiem ex aquis misericordiae tuae Sitim meam!
Sitio Domine, Fons vitae, satia me,Sitio te, Domine vivum.
O quando veniam et apparebo, Domine, ante faciem tuam?
O dies praeclara et pulchra,
Nesciens vesperum, non habens occasum,
In qua audiam vocem laudis,
Vocem exultationis, et confessionis, In qua audiam:
Intra in gaudium Domini tui, In gaudium sempiternum,
In domum Domini Dei tui, O gaudium super gaudium,
Gaudium vincens omne gaudium, extra quod non est gaudium.

As the hart longs for the fountain of water,
So my soul longs for you,
Kindest and most merciful God.
My soul thirsts for you, O God, Living fountain;
When will I come and appear before your face!
O fountain of life,Vein of living waters,
When will I come to the waters of your sweetness,
When will I come out of the pathless and waterless land
To see your power and your glory
And to quench, with the waters of your mercy, my thirst?
I thirst, Lord; Fountain of life, satisfy me – I thirst for you, living Lord.
O when will I come and appear, O Lord, before your face?
O radiant and beautiful day,
That knows no twilight, that has no sundown,
When I shall hear the voice of praise,
The voice of exultation and of confession, when I shall hear:
Enter into the delight of your Lord, into eternal delight,
Into the house of the Lord your God. O delight above all delight,
Delight surpassing all delights, beyond which there is no delight.

St. Augustine, Confessions 35:1-3; based on Psalm 42, 1-2

©Pamela Dellal

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