Heinrich Schütz

Quid commisisti, o dulcissime puer,
Ut sic iudicareris, o amantissime iuvenis,
Ut adeo tractareris?
Quod scelus tuum,
Quae noxa tua,
Quae causa mortis,
Quae occasio tuae damnationis?

What have you done, O sweetest boy,
That you are judged so;
O most lovely youth,
That you are brought to this?
What is your offence,
What your crime,
What is the cause of your death,
What the reason for your condemnation?

Ego sum tui plaga doloris,
Tuae culpa occisionis,
Ego tuae mortis meritum,
Tuae vindictae flagitium.
Ego, ego tuae passionis livor,
Cruciatus tui labor.

I am the blow that brings you pain,
I am at fault for your murder,
I am to blame for your death,
And for the shame of your punishment.
I, I am the bruise of your agony,
The hardship of your torment.

Ego enim inique egi,
Tu poena mulctaris;
Ego facinus admisi,
Tu ultione plecteris;
Ego superbivi,
Tu humiliaris;
Ego tumui,
Tu attenuaris;
Ego praesumpsi vetitum,
Tu mortis subiisti aculeum;
Ego pomi dulcedinem,
Tu felis gustasti amaritudinem.

I indeed acted wickedly,
You were punished in retribution;
I committed the deed,
You were beaten in punishment;
I exalted myself,
You were humiliated;
I was full of pride,
You were abased;
I took what was forbidden,
You were subjected to the sharpness of death;
I tasted the sweetness of the fruit,
You the bitterness of the gall.

Quo, nate dei, quo tua descendit humilitas,
Quo tua flagravit caritas,
Quo tuus attigit amor,
Quo pervenit compassio?
Quid tibi retribuam pro omnibus
Quae retribuisti mihi?
Rex meus et deus meus.

To what, of Son of God, has your humility brought you,
Where has your charity led you,
Where has your love directed you,
Where has your compassion taken you?
How can I repay you for everything
That you have done for me?
My king and my God.

Calicem salutaris accipiam,
Et nomen domini invocabo.
Vota mea reddam tibi, domine,
Coram omni populo tuo,
Et misericordias tuas in aeternum cantabo.

I will accept the chalice of salvation,
And call upon the name of the Lord.
I will offer my vows to you, Lord,
Before all of your people,
And I will sing of your mercies for ever.

Meditations of St. Augustine

©Pamela Dellal

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